Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dangers Green Laser Pointer on Persons’ eye sight

In a study conducted by various laser pointer experts, inventors and engineers on the effects of green laser pointers to human, it has been proven that the high powered bright been that it projects is really harmful to the Human eye especially if it deliberately hits the cornea and the pupil of our eyes or the black portion of our eye which is responsible for us to see and to identify the different color and wavelengths that we normally see every day.

The brightness of the green laser pointer is the brightest of all the laser types available today which is about 20-50 times brighter than the red ones and about 10-20 times as bright as the blue one.  The point that we want to emphasize here is that these green techno tools are not just ordinary laser pens that we see being toyed by kids in their rooms and backyards at night but rather are pointers that are powerful enough to pop balloons at a distance, cut things and burn materials like plastics, paper and even thin sheets of wood and worse, it can blind a person when an irresponsible owner will intentionally hit someone’s eyes.

They made the research not to say that laser pens are weapons of destruction, but tools that should be used properly to what it really is intended to be used for. These are not just mere toys, be responsible in using these wonders of technology that they offer us. Always bear in mind to follow the rules and safety tips in using Green Laser Pointers so that it will not harm anyone whenever you use these tools of the modern world of technology.

For more details about the use of Laser pointers you may visit