Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tips on how to check the power of a green laser pointer

Watch the Video here

Power – It is undeniable that the green laser pointer is one of the leaders when it comes to this category of burning and cutting abilities and almost every laser pointer techies like me cannot afford not to have this one for it is truly a must have creature of technology to us.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is Pink Laser Good for Big Boys?

Laser Pointers has been commonly stereotyped as "Toys for Big Boys" but is it still the same when you see those Big boys with a pink laser pointer? Laser Pointers nowadays has been stereotyped as such because of it's ability to burn and cut which is made possible because of its POWER.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tips on How to make sure your Laser Pointer's in Good Condition

1. Remove the batteries when your laser pointer is not in use

2. Clean your laser pointer's protective lens after using your pointer

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Red Laser Pointer is for Power and not for Danger!

Nitro Pro 2000mW by Vectralasers

When we see a red warning sign it means danger. But if we see a Red Laser pointer beam it means that someone owns the most powerful laser pointer in the world today as Red laser pointer tops the list of the most powerful laser pointers developed today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

300mW Green Laser Pointer

Explorer 300mW by Vectralasers

This one is a must have gadget for star gazers like me. The light that comes out from 300mW Green Laser Pointer's lens is literally visible as it comes out from it so it makes a lot easier for me to spot the certain star or constellation that that i intend to point at. It simply makes my star gazing with my girlfriend even more exciting.

“Have your own 1000mW Blue Laser Pointer – The coolest laser beam in the Planet!”

Primus 1000mW by Vectralasers

When I had my first 1000mW blue laser pointer for my presentations I feel to be smarter than I was before when I didn’t have one yet. It is very eye catching and entertaining to use indoors especially when you’re presenting a report to your boss but if you would go outdoors at night you might be craving for a powerful laser pointer which has an excellent power output.